dimanche 8 janvier 2012


Some photos of the Seoul's main palace to end this blog and this adventure. I'm coming back to Paris, I need to resume with the past and then to Latvia, I've an appointment with my future. It was a wonderful adventure and human experience that living in Korea with you all. As I told to my friend Wanggyum, there are some friendships you can't forget. Let us meet somewhere on this planet, I hope we don't have border, the sky the limit. I definitely fell in Love with Korea, this is that kind of love that brings melancholy. Thank you to all the people I met, and with whom I shared some precious moments.Thomas.

1 commentaire:

  1. Ton introdution m'a beaucoup emue, surtout cette phrase : Let us meet somewhere on this planet, i hope we have no border, the sky the limit. C'est tres beau.
    Je ne rentre en France que dans un mois, mais j'ai le meme genre de sentiments vis a vis du Japon alors je partage comletement ton ressenti.
    Sinon, je suis toujours autant fascinee par tes photos. =) Tu as capture des instants de vie magiques. Et quand la Coree te manquera trop, tu pourras les visionner et te replonger facilement dans l'atmosphere dans laquelle tu auras vecu plusieurs mois.
